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  • Writer's pictureGrape Culture

Life in Lockdown

Updated: May 10, 2020

Like most of the world, the Grape Culture crew is currently social distancing - but that doesn't stop us making podcasts! Join Sam, Kim, and Alex as they share their lockdown experiences, the books, games, shows and of course, the wines that are getting them through, and their top tips for thriving during social isolation.

The topic: Life in UK lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic

The wine: Dark Horse Cabernet Sauvignon; Tesco French Malbec 2018; Pinot Grigio 2019

The Grape Culture rating:

Sam: 3.5 grapes (Dark Horse Cabernet Sauvignon)

Kim: 2 grapes (Tesco French Malbec)

Alex: 2 grapes (Pinot Grigio); 3.5 grapes (Soave)

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