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If you've ever wanted to put a face to the voices behind Grape Culture. you can find out more about the show's hosts below.

Not pictured: long-suffering producer Holly and designer Tiley.



Your favourite rich, drunk auntie (without the rich part)

Content creator by day, bisexual comedian by night, Sam's particular penchants include Tudor history, classical myths, and New World white wines.  

Likes: Whiskey, rum, video games, loud shirts, and being disproportionately angry about things.

Dislikes: Beer, gin, and people who sit on the equipment at the gym for half an hour without doing anything. And FRIENDS. Seriously, that show is the worst.

Instagram: @themoonshinealmanac

Twitter: @ScotchByNature



75% wine at any one time

Kim is the show's resident expert in 19th-century English society, red wine, and Biffy Clyro. She's got a master's degree in English Literature and a one-eyed cat called Winnie.

Likes: Books (all of them, forever), traditional home crafts like baking and knitting, cats, dirty martinis, lipsticks, vanilla and red wine. 

Dislikes: Anyone who says you can’t like that shit and be a feminist, all other martinis, spiders, cat callers, and merlot.

Instagram: @probablysomethingbookish



"I think I identified with the golden retriever?"

Alex is a theatre practitioner with a fondness for Norse mythology and Picpoul de Pinet. Though she's been a regular co-host since the first season of Grape Culture, she'll be a guest host for the fourth season of the show while she focuses on two very tiny and adorable 'side projects'.

Likes: Dogs, booze, working out, live arts, cow teapots, tasty vegan food, and soft things I can rub my face on. 

Dislikes: Whisky and man-buns.

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