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making a difference

At Grape Culture, we’re committed to being more inclusive and more diverse in the topics that we talk about on the show, and doing as much as we can to stand with everyone who has experienced discrimination. 


We’ll be using this space to share resources such as links to important petitions, art and literature created by BAME, LGBTQ+, and disabled people, and news of other ways that we and our listeners can take action. 


The page will be updated regularly. If you have any feedback, or anything that you would like us to support or feature, please get in touch using the Contact page.


Mermaids offers a safe place for transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse youth


Protect the NHS from further cuts

Book of the month

Queen of Exiles tells the story of Marie-Louise Christophe, Queen of Haiti, and her journey to rebuild her life on her own terms


Lean In is a global community advocating leadership, development and inclusion for women in the workplace

Our Mission Statement

Grape Culture is a podcast that explores pop culture through the eyes of feminism. We started this podcast because we believe these are important conversations, and we enjoy having them, but we also recognise that our experiences and references come from a position of privilege and are by no means the only stories that should be heard. 


Our goal in creating this show is to examine the multimedia world we live in critically, but with humour and passion. For this reason, for every three fun and lighthearted episodes or topics, you can expect at least one with a more serious tone.


Grape Culture is committed to education and equality, and as the show’s hosts and content creators, we’re making a conscious effort to continually expand our own frames of reference and understanding of the world we live in (even if we sometimes find these conversations difficult). As such, we acknowledge that we will sometimes make mistakes, but will continue to try and improve both the show’s content, and our own knowledge.


We class ourselves as intersectional feminists who want to amplify the voices of all those who seek equality. We commit to include at least one piece of art or related topic per 4 episodes from underrepresented groups, including (but not limited to) the BAME, LQBTQ+, and disabled communities . This is a requirement that is meant to train us to make this inclusion part of our conscious choice until we can overcome any unconscious biases that we may be unaware of, and is a minimum requirement, not a limit. 


Though we want to inspire further discussions and present alternative viewpoints on art and culture, we also want to entertain our listeners. This means we’re aiming to focus on a wide variety of stories, and not simply feature ‘struggle stories’ of marginalised communities (although of course, these are important and have a place within our show). Our intent is to champion hopeful, realistic and varied forms of art from as many different communities as possible.


Each episode is only an hour long, and though we often record for at least twice that, much of what we would like to say and what has been discussed has to be cut from the final edit purely due to time constraints. We often only touch on the very surface of what should be discussed, and acknowledge that there is always more that we can do and say. In particularly big topics, we may return to them in a later episode to elaborate further, offer new information, and correct our initial thoughts as appropriate. 


Over the course of four episodes, our goal is to run a rotation of books, TV shows, movies, and other art forms/wider social issues/topics; however, we fully expect that this will have to be flexible depending on events in both our own lives and the world in general. Every host has an equal say on topics, and one topic per round will be given to that host’s choice, based on pitch. The fourth will be one all hosts agree on. 


Our overall goal is to create a show which demonstrates that feminism is not a one-size-fits-all movement, and that it requires broader consideration than just someone’s identity as a female or femme-presenting person. We want to entertain you; to share some (sometimes) insightful conversations, and some not-so-insightful ones; to introduce you to some new books and shows; and, finally, to drink some delicious wines while we do it. 


The Grape Culture team x

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